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Revagog ; 3(3): 88-103, Jul-Sept. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1344264


Describe los planteamientos sobre el beneficio de la terapia de reemplazo hormonal en las mujeres en la menopausia y el riesgo de contraer cáncer de mama con el uso prolongado del mismo.

Humans , Female , Menopause/drug effects , Hormone Replacement Therapy/adverse effects , Estradiol/adverse effects , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal/prevention & control , Hormone Replacement Therapy/classification
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(8): 943-946, ago. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978780


Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is the most common type of porphyria: it is characterized by blistering lesions, erosions and crusts on the back of the hands, associated with photosensitivity and facial hypertrichosis. It is produced by acquired or hereditary deficiency of the enzyme UROD, fifth enzyme in the chain of production of the Heme group. This causes accumulation of porphyrins in the liver, which are subsequently mobilized to the skin, where lesions are generated by photosensitivity. This deficiency can be exacerbated by multiple causes. We report a 51-year-old female presenting with the characteristic dermal lesions described above, which disappeared when she discontinued her hormone replacement therapy with estradiol and dydrogesterone. Urinary and blood uroporphyrin and hexacarboxyl porphyrins were elevated and plasma ferritin was 479 ng/ml. Hormone replacement therapy was discontinued and phlebotomies were attempted but not tolerated by the patient. The dermic lesions have not relapsed.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Porphyria Cutanea Tarda/diagnosis , Porphyria Cutanea Tarda/chemically induced , Hormone Replacement Therapy/adverse effects , Dydrogesterone/adverse effects , Estradiol/adverse effects
Acta toxicol. argent ; 25(3): 80-90, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-949795


En la actualidad, existe una preocupación creciente por la presencia de estrógenos en el medio acuático, donde pueden ser introducidos a partir de aguas residuales después de su eliminación incompleta en las plantas de tratamiento. Las aguas residuales sistemáticamente reciben estrógenos naturales y sintéticos, y por lo tanto una comprensión más profunda de la suerte de ellos en el medio ambiente es necesaria. Se evaluaron los niveles de estrógenos en los efluentes de las Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (PTARs) Penha e Ilha do Governador, ambos de tipo convencional de flujo continuo de lodo activado con aireación prolongada. Fue utilizado como el parámetro de determinación de algunos compuestos de interés como estrógenos naturales [estrona (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), estriol (E3)) y sintéticos (17α-etinilestradiol (EE2)]. Las muestras individuales se recogieron posteriormente al tratamiento de cada PTAR y después de los procedimientos de laboratorio se realizó la determinación de estrógenos basado en la extracción en fase sólida (SPE) y la cromatografía líquida de alta resolución con detector de arreglo de diodos (HPLC-DAD). Las concentraciones fueron de: 0,7 a 5,2 μg/l y de 0,5 a 5,6 de E1; 0,9 a 7,7 y 1,2 a 9,2 μg/l para E2; 2,01 a 6,09 y 1,07 a 4,08 μg/l para EE2 en PTAR Penha y PTAR Ilha do Governador, respectivamente. La capacidad de eliminación de estrógenos fue eficaz, pero denota que la eliminación sistemática de la población es en la actualidad alta. Se recomienda instalar mecanismos para mitigar el consumo exagerado de estas sustancias o implementar una eliminación completa más eficaz.

Currently, there is a growing concern over the presence of estrogens in the aquatic environment, where they can be introduced from wastewater after their incomplete elimination in the treatment plants. Wastewater systematically receives natural and synthetic estrogens, and thus a deeper understanding of the fate of them in the environment is extremely necessary. It was evaluated estrogen levels in the effluent from the Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plants (SWTPs) Penha and Ilha do Governador, both of type conventional continuous-flow activated sludge with extended aeration. The determination of some target compounds as natural estrogens was used as the evaluation parameter [estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), estriol (E3) and synthetic (17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2)]. Individual samples were collected posterior treatment of each SWTP, and after laboratory procedures, the determination of estrogens was performed by a method based on solid phase extraction (SPE) and high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). Concentrations ranged from 0.7 to 5.2 μg/l and from 0.5 to 5.6 for E1; 0.9 to 7.7 and 1.2 to 9.2 μg/l for E2; 2.1 to 6.9 and 1.7 to 4.8 μg/l for EE2 at SWTPs Penha and Ilha do Governador, respectively. The removal capacity of estrogens despite its effectiveness denotes that the systematic elimination by the population is high nowadays and urging mechanisms to mitigate the exaggerated consumption or to implement most effective complete removal.

Sewage/analysis , Brazil/epidemiology , Wastewater Treatment Plants/analysis , Environment , Estradiol/adverse effects , Estriol/adverse effects , Estrogens/adverse effects , Estrone/adverse effects , Ethinyl Estradiol/adverse effects , Water Purification/analysis
Femina ; 44(3): 192-197, set. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050864


A evolução da contracepção hormonal permitiu à mulher apoderar-se do controle sobre sua fertilidade e beneficiar-se de efeitos que, além de extrapolarem a contracepção, são igualmente desejados. No entanto, dentre os eventos adversos, a ocorrência de tromboembolismo em usuárias de contracepção hormonal segue sendo uma preocupação em contínua avaliação. Nesse sentido, é necessário estabelecer o real papel dos diferentes contraceptivos hormonais (CH) como fator de risco para trombose. Com esse propósito, essa revisão examina as evidências científicas anteriormente publicadas nas bases de dados Medline, Pubmed e Cochrane, utilizando-se os descritores contraceptivos hormonais e tromboembolismo venoso. Após adequação aos critérios de seleção, foram utilizadas onze revisões sistemáticas ou metanálises publicadas entre 1998 e 2014, que incluíram 145 estudos publicados entre 1982 e 2013. As evidências apontam para maior segurança nas formulações com progestogênio isolado e contraceptivos com etinilestradiol em doses iguais ou menores que 35 mcg associado a progestogênios de 1ª geração ou levonorgestrel. Mais estudos são necessários para determinar o risco de tromboembolismo com as formulações combinadas de estradiol associado ao dienogeste e norgestimato, bem como examinar o impacto das vias transdérmica e oral nas formulações comercializadas no Brasil. Assim, não se recomenda privar mulheres de baixo risco para acidentes tromboembólicos dos benefícios da contracepção hormonal. O aconselhamento deve ponderar o risco de tromboembolismo preexistente, o risco de gravidez não planejada e suas complicações biopsicossociais e a composição do CH.(AU)

The evolution of hormonal contraception has enabled women to take control of their fertility and to benefit from effects that go beyond contraception. However, among the adverse effects, the occurrence of thromboembolism in users of hormonal contraception is a concern that has been evaluated, making it necessary to determine the actual role of different hormonal contraceptives (HC) as a risk factor for thrombosis. With that purpose, it was conducted a review of the scientific evidence published in Medline, Pubmed and Cochrane database using the following keywords: hormonal contraceptives and venous thromboembolism. The current review analysed eleven systematic reviews or meta-analyzes published between 1998 and 2014, bringing together 145 studies published between 1982 and 2013. The evidences point to increased security with formulations with isolated progestins and contraceptives with ethynilestradiol in doses equal to or less than 35 mcg associated with a first generation progestin or levonorgestrel. Additional studies are necessary to determine the risk of thromboembolism of estradiol combined formulations associated with dienogeste and norgestimate, as well as transdermal and oral formulations marketed in Brazil. Thus, it is inappropiate to deprive women at low risk for thromboembolic events from the benefits of hormonal contraception. Counseling should consider the risk of pre-existing thromboembolism, the risk of unplanned pregnancy with its biopsychosocial complications and particular HC composition.(AU)

Humans , Female , Contraceptive Agents/adverse effects , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined/adverse effects , Venous Thromboembolism/etiology , Contraceptive Agents, Hormonal/adverse effects , Progestins/adverse effects , Risk Factors , Databases, Bibliographic , Estradiol/adverse effects , Ethinyl Estradiol/adverse effects
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(2): 387-396, mar.-abr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-779781


Os hormônios esteroides presentes em várias gerações de contraceptivos orais combinados (COC) podem se apresentar como disruptores endócrinos, produzindo alterações no comportamento e na fisiologia de peixes. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de hormônios esteroides presentes em COC sobre os parâmetros comportamentais de Betta splendens, um peixe ornamental usado na aquariofilia e bastante agressivo. Machos adultos foram observados pelo método ad libitum para confecção do etograma e divididos em cinco grupos, controle e expostos aos hormônios: 17β-estradiol (E2); levonorgestrel e etinilestradiol (LEA - segunda geração de COC); gestodeno e etinilestradiol (GEA - terceira geração de COC); e drospirenona e etinilestradiol (DEA - quarta geração de COC). Os peixes foram expostos por 30 dias à concentração final de 10ng/L. Foram avaliados os comportamentos pelos métodos de varredura instantânea e animal-focal, bem como o consumo de ração. No método varredura, o comportamento descansar apresentou o maior valor (54,4±10,1%) no grupo E2 (P<0,05). Os comportamentos agressivos de carga (16,1±3,6%) e recuar e carga (16,4±5,1%) apresentaram os maiores valores no grupo controle em relação aos demais grupos (P<0,05). Os animais do grupo E2 apresentaram maior frequência de comportamentos inativos (76,1%) comparados aos de outros grupos. O comportamento atípico natação errática não foi observado no grupo controle, mas foi observado nos grupos experimentais. Os grupos E2, LEA, GEA e DEA apresentaram redução nos comportamentos agressivos (10%) quando comparados ao grupo controle pelo método animal-focal. Não foram observadas diferenças na exibição desses comportamentos ao se compararem os animais expostos às diferentes gerações de contraceptivos e no consumo de ração. Pode-se concluir que 17β-estradiol causou mais efeitos aos peixes e que diferentes gerações de COC apresentaram efeitos tóxicos semelhantes em relação aos comportamentos observados.

The steroid hormones present in many generations of combined oral contraceptives (COC) can act as endocrine disruptors inducing changes in the behavior and physiology of fish. In this context, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of steroid hormones present in COC on behavioral parameters of Betta splendes, an aggressive ornamental fish used in the aquariophily. Adult males were observed with the ad libitum method to develop an ethogram and were divided into five groups, Control and exposed to hormones: 17β-estradiol (E2), levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol (LEA - 2nd COC generation), gestodene and ethinylestradiol (GEA - 3rd COC generation) and drospirenone and ethinylestradiol (DEA - 4th COC Generation). Fish were exposed for 30 days to a final concentration of 10ng/L. The behavior was evaluated by scan sampling and animal-focal methods, and feed intake. In the scan sampling method, the Resting behavior showed the highest value (54.4±10.1%) in E2 group (P<0.05). The aggressive behavior Rush (16.1±3.6%) and Back and Rush (16.4±5.1%) showed the highest values in the control group, compared to the other groups (P<0.05). Animals in the E2 group showed higher frequency of inactive behaviors (76.1%) compared to other groups. Furthermore, the atypical behavior Erratic swimming was not observed in the control group, but it was observed in the experimental groups. The E2, LEA, GEA and DEA groups showed reduction in aggressive behavior (10%) compared to the control group by the animal-focal method. Moreover, no difference was observed in the exhibition of these behaviors and feed intake comparing animals exposed to the different generations of contraceptives. It can be concluded that 17β-estradiol has caused more effects on fish and different generations of COC showed similar toxic effects in the observed behaviors.

Animals , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined/adverse effects , Gonadal Steroid Hormones/administration & dosage , Fishes/physiology , Behavior, Animal/physiology , Estradiol/adverse effects , Estradiol/toxicity , Ethinyl Estradiol/adverse effects , Ethinyl Estradiol/toxicity
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 71(5): 313-319, maio 2013. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-674229


In addition to antioxidative effects, estrogens also exert pro-oxidative actions. The effect of chronic administration of a high dose of estradiol valerate on Morris water maze tasks and brain tissues oxidative damage was investigated. The Sham-Est and OVX-Est groups were treated with estradiol valerate (4 mg/kg) for 12 weeks. Escape latency and traveled path in the Sham-Est and OVX-Est groups were significantly higher than in the Sham and OVX groups (p≪0.01 and p≪0.001). In the probe trial, the animals of the Sham-Est and OVX-Est groups spent lower time in Q1 compared to Sham and OVX groups (p≪0.05 and p≪0.001). In Sham-Est and OVX-Est groups, the brain tissue total thiol concentration was significantly lower, and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations were higher than in the Sham and OVX groups (p≪0.05 and p≪0.001). It is concluded that administration of high exogenous levels of estradiol impairs performance and enhances oxidative stress.

Além dos efeitos antioxidantes, os estrógenos também têm ação pró-oxidativa. Foi investigado o efeito da administração crônica de alta dose de valereato de estradiol no desempenho do labirinto aquático de Morris e o dano oxidativo ao tecido cerebral. Os grupos Sham-Est e OVX-Est foram tratados com valereato de estradiol (4 mg/kg) por 12 semanas. O tempo de latência para escapada e o caminho percorrido foram significativamente maiores nos grupos Sham-Est e OVX-Est em relação aos grupos Sham e OVX (p≪0,01 e p≪0,001). No estudo probe, os animais dos grupos Sham-Est e OVX-Est levaram menos tempo no Q1 em comparação aos grupos Sham e OVX (p≪0,05 e p≪0,001). Nos grupos Sham-Est e OVX-Est, a concentração total de tiol foi significativamente menor, enquanto a concentração de malondialdehydo (MDA) for maior do que aquela dos grupos Sham e OVX (p≪0,05 e p≪0,001). Concluiu-se que a administração de altas doses de estradiol exógeno compromete o desempenho e aumenta o estresse oxidativo naqueles animais.

Animals , Female , Rats , Brain/drug effects , Estradiol/analogs & derivatives , Maze Learning/drug effects , Memory/drug effects , Ovariectomy , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Estradiol/administration & dosage , Estradiol/adverse effects , Estrogens/administration & dosage , Estrogens/adverse effects , Malondialdehyde/analysis , Rats, Wistar , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 46(3): 237-244, 2009. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-536862


Este estudo teve como objetivo validar os conjuntos diagnósticos m comerciais DPC (Coat-A-Count - Diagnostic Products Corporation/USA), em fase sólida, para dosagem de progesterona e DSL (Diagnostic System Laboratories INC/USA), em fase líquida, para dosagem de estradiol, por radioimunoensaio, em soro de Leopardus pardalis (n=5)e Leopardus tigrinus (n=4), antes (15-30 dias) e após (24-28 horas) tratamento com gonadotropinas exógenas (hCG/ Novormon® eeCG/ Vetecor®; pFSH/Folltropin-V® e pLH/Lutropin-V®). A concentração sérica para Leopardus pardalis variou 0,005 a 0,151ng/ml para estradiol e 0,15-37,22ng/ml para progesterona. A concentração sérica para Leopardus tigrinus variou 0,012-0,147ng/ml para estradiol e 0,06-34,09ng/ml para progesterona. A sensibilidade mínima detectada foi 0,004 ng/ml para progesterona e 0,00014ng/ml para estradiol. Para progesterona o coeficiente intra-ensaio baixo foi 2,58% e alto6,36%, já o coeficiente inter-ensaio baixo foi 0,67% e alto 5,55%. Para o estradiol o coeficiente intra-ensaio baixo foi 0,69% e alto 4,15%,sendo o coeficiente inter-ensaio baixo 1,40% e alto 3,00%. Paralelismo foi encontrado para progesterona e conjunto comercial DPC com r = 0,96 para Leopardus pardalis e r = 0,99 para Leopardus tigrinus. Para estradiol em conjunto comercial DSL paralelismo foi encontrado com r = 0,98 para Leopardus pardalis e com r = 0,99 para Leopardus tigrinus. Com estes resultados podemos concluir que o conjunto diagnóstico comercial DPC para dosagem de progesterona e DSL para dosagem de estradiol foram validados para utilização em soro de Leopardus pardalis e Leopardus tigrinus, podendo ser utilizado como ferramenta no manejo reprodutivo destas espécies visando à conservação.

DPC commercial kit (Coat-A-Count - Diagnostic Products Corporation/USA) and DSL commercial kit (Diagnostic System Laboratories INC/USA) were used for progesterone and estradiol radioimmunoassay validation in serum of two endangered Brazilian felids: Leopardus pardalis (n=5) and Leopardus tigrinus (n=4) before (15-30 days) and after (24-28 hours) exogenous gonadotrophins treatment(hCG/ Novormon® and eCG/ Vetecor®; pFSH/Folltropin-V® andpLH/Lutropin-V®). Variation of estradiol concentration was 0.005 -0.151 ng/ml and progesterone concentration was 0.15 - 37.22 ng/ml for Leopardus pardalis. Variation of estradiol concentration was 0.012 -0.147 ng/ml and progesterone concentration was 0.15 - 37.22 ng/ml for Leopardus tigrinus. Minimum sensibility detected for progesterone was 0.004 ng/ml and for estradiol was 0.00014 ng/ml. Progesterone intra-assay coefficient was 2.58% and 6.36% and inter-assay was 0.67% and 5.55%. Estradiol intra-assay coefficient was 0.69% and 4.15%,and inter-assay was 1.40% and 3.00%. Parallelism was used for kits validation. Progesterone and DPC commercial kit Parallelism wasr = 0.96 for Leopardus pardalis and r = 0.99 for Leopardus tigrinus. Estradiol and DSL commercial kit Parallelism was r = 0.98 for Leopardus pardalis and r = 0.99 for Leopardus tigrinus. In conclusion, these results showed that DPC commercial kit for serum progesterone dosages and DSL commercial kit for serum estradiol dosages can be used for Leopardus pardalis e Leopardus tigrinus. These findings are potentially valuable for the reproductive management and conservation of endangered felid populations.

Animals , Estradiol/adverse effects , Felidae , Felis , Chorionic Gonadotropin/adverse effects , Progesterone/adverse effects , Radioimmunoassay/methods
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 391-398, 2009.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-110996


PURPOSE: Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS, NIH category III) accounts for 90-95% of prostatitis cases. However, standard treatment has not yet been established. It is known that polyphenols have an inhibitory effect on inflammation by their antioxidative capacity, and oligonol, a polyphenol derivative, has much higher bioavailability and bioactivity than common polyphenols. We investigated the anti-inflammatory effects and mechanisms of oligonol in estradiol-induced prostatitis rat models. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prostatitis was induced by 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in Wistar male rats (n = 20). Ten rats were placed in the oligonol-treated group and 10 in the E2 + DHT-treated group. The other 10 rats were also included as normal control group. Oligonol (60 mg/kg/day) was administered via gavage tube for 4 weeks. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were quantified, and phosphorylation of IkappaBa and histological changes were also evaluated in prostatic tissue. RESULTS: The SOD and GPx activity showed tendencies to increase in the oligonol-treated group compared to the normal control group. TNF-alpha expression was slightly reduced in the oligonol-treated group. Western blotting demonstrated that phosphorylation of IkappaBa in the oligonol-treated group was significantly lower than in the normal control group. The E2 + DHT-treated group revealed severe atrophy of acinar epithelial cells and infiltration of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the prostate, however, the oligonol-treated group showed overall reduction in inflammatory features. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that oligonol improves estradiol-induced non-bacterial prostatitis by regulating phosphorylation of IkappaBa. These findings suggest that oligonol has a beneficial effect on prevention and treatment of CP/CPPS.

Animals , Male , Rats , Blotting, Western , Body Weight/drug effects , Estradiol/adverse effects , Flavonoids/therapeutic use , Immunoassay , Phenols/therapeutic use , Prostate/drug effects , Prostatitis/chemically induced , Rats, Wistar , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 45(3): 221-230, 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-487891


Avaliaram-se estratégias para reduzir a mortalidade embrionária em bovinos. Vacas Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) foram inseminadas em tempo fixo (IATF - D0) após o protocolo GnRH/PGF2a/GnRH e divididas nos grupos: Controle (Gc; n=55), hCG (GhCG; n=55) recebeu 3000 UI da hCG no D5 , E2 (GE2; n=55) recebeu 5 mg de 17?-Estradiol (E2) no D12 e hCG/E2 (GhCG/E2; n=55) recebeu 3000 UI da hCG no D5 e 5mg do E2 no D12. A IATF foi o 1o dia da estação de reprodução de 64 dias. Usou-se o teste do c2 para comparar as taxas de serviço (TS), concepção (TC) e prenhez à IATF (TPIATF), às IAs de repasse e acumuladas. A TS e a TC das IAs de repasse não diferiu (P>0,10). Houve diferenças nas TPIATF (P<0,05), pois a TPIATF do GE2 (5,4%) foi a mais baixa e a do Gc (34,5%) e GhCG (36,5%) tenderam (P<0,10) ser maiores que a do GhCG/E2 (18,2%). Não houve efeito da hCG sobre as taxas de prenhez. O E2 reduziu a TPIATF e ao final da estação as vacas que receberam o E2 (GE2 + GhCG/E2) tiveram TPacum (66,4%) mais baixa (P<0,05) de que aquelas (80,9%) que não receberam (GC + GhCG). Em conclusão, as estratégias adotadas de manipulação luteínica ou folicular não aumentaram as taxas de prenhez em vacas Nelore após uma IATF.

Strategies to reduce embryo mortality in cattle have been evaluated. Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) cows were submitted to timed artificial insemination (TAI - D0) after a GnRH/PGF2a/GnRH protocol. Cows were divided in the following groups: Control (Gc; n=55), hCG (GhCG; n=55) received 3000 IU of hCG on D5 , E2 (GE2; n=55) received 5 mg of Estradiol-17b (E2) on D12 and hCG/E2 (GhCG/E2; n=55) received hCG on D5 and E2 on D12. TAI represented the 1st day of a 64 day breeding season. The c2 test was applied to compare mating rate (MR), conception rate (CR) and pregnancy rate (PR) to TAI and AIs after natural estrus within the season as well as their accumulated figures at the end of the season. MR and CR for AIs within season did not differ (P>.10). PR to TAI differed (P<.05) among groups. GE2 showed the lowest rate (5,4%). Gc (34.5%) and GhCG (36.5%) tended (P<.10) to be higher than GhCG/E2 (18.2%). There was no effect of hCG on pregnancy rates. E2 reduced PR to TAI and at the end of season which means that cows receiving E2 (GE2 + GhCG/E2) had lower (66.4%; P<.05) PR than cows not receiving E2 (GC + GhCG; 80.9%). In conlusion, the strategies to manipulate luteal and follicular function herein tested did not increase pregnancy rates in Nelore cows submitted to a TAI.

Animals , Cattle , Estradiol/adverse effects , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/adverse effects , Insemination, Artificial/methods , Pregnancy Rate , Embryo Loss/mortality
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(2): 189-197, feb. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-445058


Background : Gynecomastia can be physiological or pathological. A limited study of gynecomastia is recommended during puberty and in the elderly, ages in which gynecomastia is usually considered physiological. Other authors suggest that this condition should be studied when it is painful, rapidly growing, of recent onset, when its diameter is more than 4 cm and when is associated to testicular masses. Aim: To investigate the causes of gynecomastia and to evaluate the above mentioned criteria to exclude pathological conditions. Material and methods: Prospective study of 117 patients aged 10 to 83 years, consulting for gynecomastia. All were subjected to a standardized study including a clinical examination and measurement of plasma estradiol and testosterone levels. Results: Forty one percent of gynecomastias were considered pathological and the rest, physiological. Among pathological conditions, 18 patients had an endocrine etiology (hypogonadism in ten patients, estrogen secreting tumors in three, hyperestrogenism of unknown etiology in four and peripheral resistance to androgens in one), in 17 it was secondary to medications and in 13 it was secondary to other causes (idiopathic, pesticide exposure, alcoholism, diabetes or re feeding). In 79 percent of 86 patients of less than 20 years, the condition was physiological and in four of five elderly subjects, it was pathological. Thirty nine percent of pathological gynecomastias lacked the signs and symptoms that according to authors, should prompt a thorough study. Conclusions: All patients with gynecomastia should be studied with a complete medical history and the measurement of estradiol and testosterone levels. The criteria proposed to conduct minimal studies in gynecomastia, would miss a large volume of pathological conditions.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Gynecomastia/etiology , Androgen Antagonists/adverse effects , Estradiol/adverse effects , Estradiol/blood , Estrogens/adverse effects , Estrogens/blood , Gynecomastia/blood , Gynecomastia/physiopathology , Hypogonadism/complications , Prospective Studies , Testosterone/blood
Clinics ; 62(6): 673-678, 2007. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-471783


OBJECTIVES: To report on a simple practical test for assessing acute estradiol vascular effects on healthy and unhealthy postmenopausal women. INTRODUCTION: Estradiol acts in the endothelium to promote vasodilatation through genomic and non-genomic mechanisms, but its vascular action may be impaired in diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking and obesity. METHODS: Nineteen postmenopausal women (nine healthy and 10 with two or more of the above factors) of similar age and time since menopause were examined with vascular Doppler ultrasound. Resistance indexes and systolic and diastolic flow velocities were determined for the brachial and internal carotid arteries at baseline and 20 minutes after administration of a nasal estradiol formulation, available on the market, which reaches 1,200-1,500 pg/ml in the serum in 10-30 minutes. Estradiol blood levels were measured at 30 minutes. RESULTS: The carotid resistance index increased 14.2 percent (vasoconstriction) in the unhealthy group after estradiol, from a mean ± S.E. of 0.56 ± 0.016 at baseline to 0.64 ± 0.05 (p=0.033), and remained unchanged in healthy women. Brachial diastolic flow velocity increased 19.7 percent (vasodilatation) in healthy women, from 16.2 ± 1.93 to 19.4 ± 0.64 cm/s (p=0.046), and did not change in the unhealthy subjects. Estradiol levels were similar in both groups. DISCUSSION: Healthy postmenopausal women showed brachial vasodilatation while unhealthy postmenopausal women displayed vasoconstriction at the carotid artery. Vascular responses to estradiol were divergent between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: The acute estradiol test, coupled with Doppler ultrasound, seemed to be able to differentiate women with normal and abnormal endothelial function in a simple, non-invasive manner.

OBJETIVO: Descrever um teste simples e prático para avaliar o efeito vascular agudo do estradiol em mulheres saudáveis e não-saudáveis na menopausa. INTRODUÇÃO: O estradiol atua no endotélio promovendo vasodilatação através de mecanismos genômicos e não-genômicos e esta ação pode estar prejudicada em morbidades como diabetes mellitus, hipertensão, tabagismo e obesidade. MÉTODOS: Dezenove mulheres na pós-menopausa (9 saudáveis e 10 com dois ou mais dos fatores acima), com idade e tempo de menopausa semelhantes foram examinadas por Doppler vascular. O índice de resistência e as velocidades de fluxo sistólico e diastólico foram medidos nas artérias braquial e carótida, em condições basais e 20 min após a administração de uma preparação nasal de estradiol, disponível comercialmente, que atinge 1200 a 1500 pg/ml no soro, entre 10 e 30 min após a aplicação. Os níveis séricos de estradiol foram determinados 30 min após a aplicação nasal. RESULTADOS: O índice de resistência da artéria carótida aumentou em 14,2 por cento (vasoconstricção) após o estradiol no grupo não-saudável, partindo da média ± SE de 0,56 ± 0,016 para 0,64 ± 0,05 (p=0,033) e não se modificou nas mulheres saudáveis. A velocidade de fluxo diastólico da artéria braquial aumentou 19,7 por cento (vasodilatação) nas mulheres saudáveis, partindo de 16,2 ± 1,93 para 19,4 ± 0,64 cm/s (p=0,046) e não apresentou alteração nas não saudáveis. Os níveis de estradiol foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. DISCUSSÃO: Nas mulheres saudáveis na menopausa houve vasodilatação da artéria braquial e nas não-saudáveis vasoconstricção na artéria carótida. A resposta vascular ao estradiol foi divergente entre os grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: O teste com estradiol agudo, associado ao Doppler vascular, parecem diferenciar, de forma simples e não-invasiva, mulheres com função endotelial normal e anormal.

Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Endothelium, Vascular/drug effects , Estradiol/adverse effects , Postmenopause/physiology , Blood Flow Velocity , Brachial Artery/drug effects , Brachial Artery , Case-Control Studies , Carotid Arteries/drug effects , Carotid Arteries , Diabetes Mellitus/physiopathology , Endothelium, Vascular/physiology , Endothelium, Vascular , Estradiol/blood , Hypertension/physiopathology , Obesity/physiopathology , Risk Factors , Ultrasonography, Doppler/methods , Vasoconstriction/drug effects , Vasoconstriction/physiology , Vasodilation/drug effects , Vasodilation/physiology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 58(5): 816-822, out. 2006. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-441530


Avaliaram-se as concentrações hormonais e os parâmetros de desenvolvimento folicular de vacas leiteiras expostas ao calor sazonal e agudo. Dividiram-se os animais em quatro grupos: verão (n=5), outono (n=5), inverno com hipertermia aguda (grupo câmara climática, (CC), n=5) e inverno (n=9). Os animais foram abatidos no sétimo dia após a ovulação, e os parâmetros de desenvolvimento folicular avaliados. O líquido folicular do maior folículo foi aspirado e armazenado para posterior análise de hormônios esteróides e inibina. O número de células da granulosa vivas no verão e no outono foi 40 e 45 por cento respectivamente, menor que no inverno (P<0,05). A concentração de estradiol (E2) no inverno foi 62 por cento maior que no outono (P<0,05) e 34 por cento superior ao grupo verão (P<0,06). Houve um aumento na quantidade de androstenediona no verão em relação aos grupos inverno (P<0,08) e outono (P<0,05). A concentração de inibina foi maior no inverno do que no verão e CC (P<0,05). A exposição ao calor sazonal e agudo modificou os parâmetros de desenvolvimento do folículo e as concentrações hormonais no líquido folicular, podendo explicar em parte a queda nas taxas de concepção no verão.

The present study evaluated the seasonal and acute heat stress on follicular development and steroid and inhibin concentrations in follicular fluid, in bovine dominant follicle. Cows were distributed into four treatments: summer (n=5), autumn (n=5), animals heat stressed during the winter (n=5) and winter (n=9). On day 7 of the estrous cycle, animals were slaughtered and parameters related to follicle development were evaluated. The follicular fluid (FF) was aspirated and stored for further hormonal analysis. During the summer, the number of viable granulosa cells was 40 percent lower than during the winter, and there was a 45 percent decrease in this parameter during the autumn (P<0.05). In the winter, estradiol concentration was 62 percent higher than during the autumn (P<0.05) and 42 percent higher than during the summer (P<0.06). There was an increase in androstenedione concentration in summer group, when compared to winter (P<0.08) and autumn (P<0.05) groups. Inhibin concentration was higher in winter groups than summer and winter heat stressed groups (P<0.05). Seasonal and acute heat stress altered developmental parameters in dominant follicle and hormonal concentration in follicular fluid, those effects can partially explain the decrease in conception rates during summer.

Animals , Androstenedione/analysis , Androstenedione/adverse effects , Cattle , Estradiol/analysis , Estradiol/adverse effects , Ovarian Follicle/growth & development , Hyperthermia, Induced/adverse effects , Inhibins/analysis , Inhibins/adverse effects
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-46871


Adult male rats received daily injections (sc) of estradiol-17 beta (50 microg/100 g body wt per day) for 7 days. When they were sacrificed 14 days after the last injection, serum levels of gonadotropins and testosterone and weights of accessory sex organs were decreased significantly, testicular 17-hydroxysteroid dehydroganase activity was suppressed and spermatogenesis was inhibited in 5.0% casein-fed estrogen-treated rats. Feeding of 20.0% casein diet to estrogen-treated rats resulted in increased serum concentration of gonadotropins and testosterone. LH and testosterone appeared to be normal in 20.0% casein-fed estrogen-treated rats while serum FSH levels remained subnormal. The estrogen-treated rats fed on 20.0% casein diet showed decreased spermatogenesis in comparison with control rats fed on 20.0% casein diet. Together, these results indicate that high casein diet stimulates synthesis of testicular testosterone and increases serum LH levels more than FSH in estrogen-treated rats. It is concluded that estrogen in the presence of high milk protein diet may be considered to be a suitable steroid hormone in the development of a male contraceptive.

17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases/drug effects , Animals , Contraceptive Agents/adverse effects , Estradiol/adverse effects , Follicle Stimulating Hormone , Male , Milk Proteins , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Spermatogenesis/drug effects
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 43(3): 387-393, 2006.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-458485


A síntese de prostaglandina F2alfa(PGF2 alfa) endometrial, resulta de uma complexa cascata de eventos intracelulares que ocorrem de maneiraaltamente coordenada. A síntese de PGF2 alfa pode ser estimulada napresença da melitina e do forbol 12,13 dibutirato (PDBu). O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se a produção basal e a estimulação aguda de PGF2 alfa são dependentes da síntese de proteínas. No experimento 1, explantes obtidos de fêmeas bovinas (n=2), cíclicas, não lactantes, no dia 15 do ciclo estral foram incubados em quadruplicata, com meio de cultivo (KHB) ou KHB suplementado com PDBu 10(elevado a -6)M, melitina 10(elevado a -6)M ou melitina 10(elevado a-5)M. Amostras do meio foram coletadas 0 e 60 minutos após os tratamentos e as concentrações de PGF2 alfa foram mensuradas por radioimunoensaio. Com 60 minutos após os tratamentos houve aumento das concentrações médias de PGF2 alfa(P<0,06) em resposta ao tratamento com PDBu comparado ao grupo KHB e melitina. No experimento2, explantes endometriais de fêmeas bovinas (n=4), não gestantes,no 17° dia do ciclo estral, pesando de 80 a 100mg foram incubados em KHB suplementado com 0, 50, 100 ou 200mg/mL de CHX e 0 ou 100ng/mL de PDBu em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 4, em quadruplicata. Amostras do meio foram coletadas 0 e 60 minutos após os tratamentos e as concentrações de PGF2 alfa foram mensuradas por radioimunoensaio. A integridade dos explantes endometriais tratados com CHX foi avaliada por cortes histológicos. Foi observado aumento na produção de PGF2 alfa em resposta ao tratamento com PDBu(P<0,01), entretanto, não houve diferenças na produção de PGF2 alfa pelos tecidos tratados com diferentes concentrações de CHX, associadas ou não ao PDBu. A integridade histológica dos explantes foi preservada. Conclui-se que a produção basal e a estimulação aguda da síntese de PGF2 alfa não são dependentes da síntese de novas proteínas.

Synthesis of endometrial prostaglandin F2 a (PGF2 a) results from acomplex cascade of highly coordinated intracellular events. Production of PGF2 a can be stimulated by mellitin and 12, 13 phorbol dibutyrate(PDBu). Objective of the present study was to verify whether basal or stimulated synthesis of PGF2 a was dependent on de novo protein synthesis. In Experiment 1, endometrial explants from cyclic, non-lactating cross-bred beef cows (n=2) on day 15 of the estrous cycle were incubated in quadruplicate in culture KHB culture medium or medium supplemented with 10(involution-6)M PDBu, 10(involution-6)M melittin or 10(involution-5)M melittin. Medium samples were collected immediately and 60 minutes after treatment administration and concentration of PGF2 a in medium were measured by radioimmunoassay. Concentrations of PGF2a in medium were higher (P<0.06) after treatment with PDBu in comparison with control and melittin. In Experiment 2, endometrial explants from cyclic, non-lactating cross-bred beef cows (n=4) on day17 of the estrous cycle were incubated in quadruplicate in medium supplemented with 0, 50, 100 or 200mg cyclohexamide (CHX) and 0or 100ng/ml PDBu, in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement. Medium sampleswere collected immediately and 60 minutes after administration of treatments and concentrations of PGF2 a measured by radioimmunoassay. Endometrial integrity was was evaluated by histology. Treatment with PDBu stimulated production of PGF2 a(P<0.01), regardless of concentration of CHX used. The CHX did not affect production of PGF2 a, either in the presence or absence of PDBu. Histological integrity of explants was preserved. It was concluded that both basal and PDBu-stimulated PGF2 a productionare not dependent on new protein sythesis.

Cattle , Endometrium/metabolism , Estradiol/adverse effects , Prostaglandins F/adverse effects
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 9(1)Feb. 2005. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-404302


The adaptive immune response of the genital tract is under the control of sexual steroids; however, the influence of sex hormones on innate immune mechanisms of the genital mucosa are only beginning to be understood. We found that long-term estrogen treatment increases the risk for inflammatory pelvic diseases in adult non-castrated female rats. Female rats (110 g to 130 g) received estrogen (10 rats; 17-beta estradiol, 50 mg pellet; 10 rats: subcutaneous weekly injection of estradiol valerate 0.166 mg/kg). Ten rats received a pellet of 17-beta estradiol and were treated with amoxicillin, 50 mg/kg after the 90th day of exposure to estrogen. Three control groups of ten rats were also used. The estrogen-treated rats developed an inflammatory pelvic disease, with abscess formation after the third month of hormonal treatment. All the surviving animals were killed after six months of hormonal exposure. Among 15 survivors of the two groups that received estrogen 13 animals presented tuboovarian abscesses. Among eight survivors of the group treated with amoxicillin, six had tuboovarian abscesses. None of the 30 control rats presented macro or microscopic signs of inflammatory disease in the uterus, tubes or ovaries. We conclude that estrogen impairs the defense mechanisms of the genital tract of non-castrated female rats, enhancing bacterial growth in the vagina and ascending infection to the uterus, tubes and ovaries.

Animals , Female , Rats , Estradiol/adverse effects , Estradiol/analogs & derivatives , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease/chemically induced , Amoxicillin/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Estradiol/administration & dosage , Immunity, Mucosal/drug effects , Immunity, Mucosal/immunology , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease/pathology , Rats, Wistar , Risk Factors , Time Factors
São Paulo; s.n; 2003. [102] p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-415131


A terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH) é amplamente utilizada para alívio dos sintomas relacionados à menopausa, prevenção e tratamento da osteoporose e cardioprevenção primária. A redução da mortalidade devido à doença cardiovascular é atribuída à melhora do perfil lipídico, entretanto, não é suficiente para explicar a magnitude cardioprotetora da TRH. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos agudos e crônicos do estradiol / The hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been widely used for relief of symptoms related to menopause, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and primary cardioprotection. The cardiovascular mortality reduction has been attributed to an improvement of lipid profile, however it is enough to explain the entire cadioprotective effect of HRT. The aims of this study were to evaluate the acute...

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Estradiol/adverse effects , Ventricular Function, Left , Postmenopause , Double-Blind Method , Echocardiography, Doppler, Color , Follow-Up Studies , Hypertension/complications , Placebos/administration & dosage
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 68(4): 160-4, abr. 2000. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-286197


Se realizó un estudio en 56 pacientes sexualmente activas que presentaban algún grado de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical (NIC). A cada una de las pacientes se les aplicó un cuestionario general por medio del cual pudimos conocer su historia sexual-reproductiva. El grupo en estudio estuvo constituido por 29 pacientes con uso de anticonceptivos orales (AO) y 27 pacientes consideradas como control, por no haber utilizado nunca este tipo de planificación familiar. A cada una de las pacientes se les realizó una valoración colposcópica, durante la cual se tomó una parte de la lesión para estudio histopatológico y la otra para valoración del receptor estrogénico (RE) presente. Se encontró que la frecuencia de RE en el tejido neoplásico de las pacientes con uso de anticonceptivos (CAO) no es estadísticamente significativa (P > 0.05), con respecto a las pacientes sin uso de anticonceptivos (SAO). De la misma manera, cuando se analizaron otros factores de riesgo como inicio de vida sexual activa, edad de la primera gesta, número de compañeros sexuales y número de gestas, se encontraron constantemente no significativos (P > 0.05) cuando se compararon las medias de ambos grupos. Por medio de este estudio, no hemos encontrado ninguna evidencia clara de alguna relación etiológica entre el uso de anticonceptivos orales y neoplasia intraepitelial cervical, sin embargo, se observa que la estimulación sobre la producción de RE en las etapas tempranas es evidente, probablemente por el estímulo estrogénico de procedencia exógena.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia/chemically induced , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Estradiol/adverse effects , Receptors, Estrogen/analysis , Colposcopy , Family Development Planning/methods , Vaginal Smears
Reproducción ; 14(3): 136-44, dic. 1999. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-258472


Mesigyna administrada a 49 mujeres de entre 38 años de edad y la menopausia, fue comparada durante 2 años con 99 mujeres portadoras de DIU (Nova-T). Se realizó un dosaje completo de lipoproteínas antes del tratamiento y a los 6, 12 y 24 meses de tratamiento. A la mitad de las mujeres se les realizó una densitometría ósea, y una biopsia de endometrio a la mitad del grupo con Mesigyna, antes y al final del primero y segundo año. No se produjo ningún embarazo con Mesigyna mientras que se presentaron 3 embarazos en el grupo con DIU. Hubo una incidencia mayor de anomalías de sangrado en el grupo con Mesigyna, con una tasa de abandono por estas razones del 20 por ciento, contra 4 por ciento para el DIU (p<0,05). La duración de la menstruación, como así también la dismenorrea, fue menor con Mesigyna. No se observaron diferencias en el sangrado intermenstrual ni en la densidad ósea lumbar entre ambos grupos. Ninguna paciente desarrolló hiperplasia endometrial luego del tratamiento, por lo que el riesgo endometrial no se mostró aumentado. Se observó un descenso de colesterol y triglicéridos totales, colesterol HDL, HDL2 e IDL con Mesigyna. Los demás parámetros lipídicos estudiados no mostraron una tendencia definida de variación. El presente trabajo sería el primero utilizando anticoncepción inyectable mensual y su influencia en el comportamiento de los lípidos séricos en mujeres premenopáusicas. Mesigyna fue un agente altamente efectivo y de bajo riesgo para este tipo de usuarias

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cholesterol/blood , Bone Density , Endometrium/drug effects , Estradiol/adverse effects , Estradiol/therapeutic use , Phospholipids/blood , Norethindrone/adverse effects , Norethindrone/therapeutic use , Cholesterol, HDL/blood , Cholesterol, HDL/drug effects , Cholesterol, LDL/blood , Cholesterol, LDL/drug effects , Cholesterol, VLDL/blood , Cholesterol, VLDL/drug effects , Contraceptive Agents, Female/administration & dosage , Lipids/blood , Premenopause/drug effects , Triglycerides/blood
Vet. Méx ; 29(2): 137-45, abr.-jun. 1998. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-241036


Para estudiar la supervivencia de embriones transferidos a receptoras sincronizadas con FGA y PMSG, tratadas con hormonas de crecimiento porcina (GHp) al retiro de las esponjas, se realizaron dos experimentos sobre ovejas de la raza Rasa Aragonesa. El experimento 1 utilizó 12 ovejas donantes para transferir un embrión viable a receptoras tratadas (R1; n=29) o no tratadas (R2; n=28) con GHp. La tasa de ovulación (TO) y los niveles de progesterona (P4) resultaron más altos (P <0.01) que las R2. Este último se relacionó directamente con la aplicación directamente con la aplicación exógena de la GHp, mostrando una alta correlación (P < 0.01) entre la concentración de P4 del día 4 y la del día 17 posfecundación, sin diferencias de fertilidad entre tratamientos. En el experimento 2, con 14 ovejas donantes se obtuvieron 95 embriones viables de 2 días, de edad transfiriendo únicamente 68 (8-10 embriones por grupo) a 4 receptoras tratadas con GHp (R1) y a 4 no tratadas (R2). Estos mismos embriones recuperados tres día después a nivel del útero, fueron valorados morfológicamente. Se observó un aumento de la TO (P < 0.05) de las ovejas receptoras tratadas con GHp (R1). La recuperación de embriones fue mayor en las ovejas tratadas con GHp, con una tendencia a una mayor calidad de los embriones (P < 0.2). En conclusión: a) En ovejas receptoras tratadas con FGA y PMSG, la aplicación de GH produce un aumento de la TO y concentración plasmática de P4, cuatro días después de retirar el progestágeno, b) la fertilidad de embriones transferidos no se modifica si se trata con GH a las ovejas receptoras

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Cattle , Oviducts , Sheep , Growth Hormone/administration & dosage , Estradiol/adverse effects , Fetal Viability , Pregnancy Rate , Ovulation Induction , Pregnancy, Animal , Embryo Transfer/methods